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3 Quick Tips to Save Money with Coupons

By DailySave Team on May 8, 2016

You can save money by clipping coupons but it can be exhausting. This is especially so when you’re not sure what you are doing. However, when you save $32 here and $18 there, the effort is well worth it. Saving becomes challenging and rewarding.

A few tips to follow will help keep your savings going up and arm you with techniques even a beginner couponer can follow. Like everything else in life, it will take time and effort (all good things do).

In no time, it will become a part of your normal routine. Of course to start however, you will need to find room on your plate to fit it in. It will be worth the time if you can shave $200 – $500 on your groceries and household items. You’ll be a happy camper. Clipping coupons can easily yield these results when you make it a habit.

Step 1: Organize your coupons.

You can get all your coupons from the Sunday paper, from your stores sales ads and from the internet. It won’t take long to have a large stack which of course will need organizing. I use The Couponizer to organize my coupons.

Without a system to sort your coupons you will likely become frustrated. Figure out what works best for you and start clipping.

Step 2: Limit your shopping trips and track what you need.

If you find a particular day or evening is less hectic, use this time to clip your coupons. Also, it is best to choose 1-2 days each week for your actual shopping trips. Limit it as much as you can to save more money.

Keep track of items in need of stocking up with a free download that you can post on the refrigerator. Track this during the week and pull coupons you have. If you can match the coupons up with in store sales items, you’ll save big.

3. Meal planning for the week.

If you’ve never planned that far ahead you’ll be in for a surprise. Sitting down to organize the weeks meals will, in the end, save you time (and money).

There are sites you can pay to have them make out a plan for you. Like E-Mealz. It costs roughly $1.25 per week. But, planning meals yourself isn’t that difficult. It’s your choice of course, you decide.

Check out 5 Weekly Meal Planning Tips to help organize your week. And use the free Weekly Meal Plan download to hang on the fridge.

Have fun saving!

How do you save money with coupons? Please share some of your tips and tricks in the comments below.

Found in: Budgets & Banking


7 Coupon Clipping Services
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