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When Is the Right Time to Buy Life Insurance?

By super on August 4, 2016

Life insurance is one of the most important things you can buy for yourself and your family. If you have life insurance, you know your family will be taken care of when you are gone. However, you should not wait to purchase life insurance. It is best to buy life insurance right now when you are young and healthy. The good news is that life insurance does not have to be expensive at all. Here are some great tips on saving money on life insurance.

Purchase Life Insurance While You’re Young

If you purchase life insurance while you are young and healthy, it will be considerably cheaper. Insurance companies will be more hesitant to sell life insurance to you when you are older and in poor health.

Ask About Renewal Guarantees

When you are talking to insurance agents, be sure to ask them about renewal guarantees. If you have a renewal guarantee, you are promised the opportunity to renew your policy without retaking a medical exam. This will be especially beneficial for you if your health has declined over the years.

Inquire About Payment Options

Make sure to inquire about different payment options during your meetings. Many insurance companies will allow you to pay monthly, quarterly, semi-annually and annually. If you pay once a year, you could actually save money in the long run.

Don’t Be Afraid to Shop Around

If you want to find the best deal possible, do not just settle for the first insurance company you come across. It is important to shop around and research different insurance companies.

Consider Working With a Broker

If you really want to save time and money, you should consider working with a broker. An insurance broker can deal with several insurance companies and find the best deal for you. If you are not experienced with buying insurance, working with a broker might be your best option.

Saving money on life insurance will be easy if you follow these helpful tips. Once you purchase your life insurance policy, you will have the peace of mind of knowing that your family will be protected.

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